5/25/2021 9:30 AM

Minister of Defense Designates Companies That Transfer Millions of Dollars from Iran to Hamas as Terrorist Organizations

Minister of Defense Gantz: “We will continue to target the Iran-Hamas axis, and disrupt the funding channels which serves the military wings of the terrorist organizations"

​Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, this morning: “We will continue to target the Iran-Hamas axis, and disrupt the funding channels which serves the military wings of the terrorist organizations."

Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, designated two companies owned by the money exchanger Zuhir Yunes Shamalch as terrorist organizations, per the recommendation of the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF).

According to intelligence collected and processed by the Military Intelligence Directorate, since 2019 “Al-Markaziya li-siarafa" (formerly known as “Al Mutahadun For Exchange") and “Arab Trading Company China" have been facilitating the transfer of tens of millions of dollars to Hamas annually, specifically to the military wing of the organization.

The funds originate from Iran and are given as part of the framework of assistance granted by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards – Quds Force to terrorist organizations acting against Israel. The funds are transferred via the direct facilitation of the aforementioned companies, with the full knowledge of the individual who owns both of the companies. The funds are transferred via the Hawala system and other financial methods, for the funding of the terrorist organization Hamas.

This designation of the Minister of Defense, in accordance with the powers granted to him under the Anti-Terrorism Law, serves as an additional element in preventing the military buildup of the military wing of Hamas and preventing its recovery from the severe damage it sustained during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

This designation sends a clear message to the merchants of Gaza, the message being that any financial activity with companies owned by Shamalch will lead to the levying of financial sanctions and the prevention of import to and export from the Gaza Strip. The designation also potentially limits and prevents the business and financial activity of these companies.

The Minister of Defense will utilize all the tools available to him to thwart the financial activity of the recognized companies and those who own and operate them, at the border crossings and globally. He will not allow for businesspeople to fund terrorist organizations which act against the State of Israel.