8/31/2022 6:29 PM

The Minister of Defense signed a designation and property seizure orders imposing international restrictions on HAMAS' investment system, which has a volume of activity estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars

Following a joint operation of the General Security Service, the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) in the Ministry of Defense and the IDF Intelligence Branch, Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed a designation and property seizure orders against 20 parties (persons and companies) that play key roles in the HAMAS investment system. 

The HAMAS investment system is part of the international financial campaign of the HAMAS terrorist organization, which secretly manages an investment system valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, through a network of international companies that operate under the guise of legitimate companies and conceal HAMAS' control of their holdings.

These companies primarily engage in real estate and infrastructure projects and operate in Sudan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Algeria.

In this manner, the investment system has deceived authorities, customers and suppliers (including banks) which were not aware of the terrorist organization's ownership and control of these companies.

The prominent persons designated by the Defense Minister as terrorists include Usama Ali, who in 2017 was appointed to head the HAMAS investment system. Ali is a member in HAMAS' Ashura Council and maintains direct contact with the head of the organization's political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, and with other senior HAMAS officials.

The key companies that were designated include Al-Rowad for Real Estate Development Company Ltd (Sudan) – a Sudanese company that was established in 2010 and merged several other HAMAS companies in Sudan and Anda Company - a Saudi real estate and construction company that serves as one of HAMAS' largest investments in the real estate and construction field, along with Sidar Company and Agrogate Holding.

The Israeli move creates a single front with the U.S. Administration, which last May imposed sanctions on some of the parties designated by the Defense Minister in the Hamas investment system

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